Online Parenting Classes


Let's Work Together To Help You Achieve Your Goals Today!

4th Trimester Post Birth


This program is for Parents who have given birth to their Miracle (0-6 Months of Age)

NutriKids : Baby and Toddler Nutrition Program 4 - 24 months of age


Breastfeeding and Breastmilk / Formula milk is still the important food.

If you have any more queries, you can mail me on or message me on 9920357437

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Thank You

Dr. Riddhi Chandarana Kataria (BPTh; LCCE; IBCLC; MSG(BPNI)) Physiotherapist, Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, Internationally Certified Lactation Consultant, Mother Support Group Counsellor

Founder of Little Beyond Birth...from Carrying to Caring!